Of course, given my own history with finding bugs in games 1, 3, and 4, this was pretty much par for the course to me. Dragon Fire has quite the problem with bugs, and the development “company” Sierra budded off to make the game (Yosemite Entertainment) was dissolved before they got past version 1.2. There’s still a lot to be desired, though. Oh, and the final villain turns out not to be completely insane for once.

While they weren’t the lead developers this time, the Coles were still involved. Since there are only four characters shared in common between 4 and 5, and three of them barely had any lines, there is very little dissonance typically caused by switching VA’s. The hero’s story comes to a definite conclusion, including the possibility of romance with four different women (one for each class, basically). The series’ sense of humor hasn’t disappeared entirely, and there are plenty of puns to be had, particularly from the game’s resident gnome. Two spells mentioned in QfG3 and 4 but never encountered finally appear as castable spells. There are a ton of returning characters from the previous games, and only one person who told us he’d be in Silmaria fails to show up (Punny Bones). As for Dragon Fire…well…Īlright, so there’s plenty of good news. King’s Quest 8 was generally regarded as a disappointment, since it not only dropped the adventure elements in favor of becoming a buggy third person action game, but it also failed to feature the royal family at all. As such, Dragon Fire was one of the last two games ever released under the “Quest” lines (the Police Quest: SWAT spin-off had by now dropped the first part of its name), both of which used 3D elements to…mixed success.

Adventure games were going out of style, and if it weren’t for a write-in campaign (helped along by that non-ending at the end of 4, no doubt), it likely wouldn’t have been made at all. A lot changed in the four years between the production of 4 and 5. And so, we finally turn our attention to the fifth and final installment of Quest for Glory.