Otherwise, we must have permission from the bishop as a senior member of the congregation (this also applies to the elders who are not eligible to be ordained). Ordination ceremony can only be done by one senior bishop in presence of all the elders who are eligible to be ordained. It is just because the ordination can take up to twenty minutes. But it is not considered rude to say that the ceremony could not be performed now. If they do not get the chance to do so properly, the young person can be deprived of the blessings and the ordination ceremony could be postponed.

An elder who has not prepared a priest for the ceremony yet is supposed to prepare the elders who perform the ceremony to prepare for the ordination ceremony. Thus, the elder in charge of the ordination ceremony has the right to postpone the ceremony until a reasonable time. The elders who perform the ordination will perform it only on that particular person who is ready and committed to receive the blessings after it is done. There is a time limit for the elder to perform his ordination. (But some priests have performed ordination ceremonies for young people in the congregation alone). Otherwise, the elder will not be able to participate in the ceremony and the young person will be unable to receive the blessing. The elders in charge should get permission to perform it for the young person at a reasonable time. The older the senior, the earlier the ordination ceremony will be. Is there a time limit for the ordination ceremony? Can an elder ordain more than one person by the same name? The ordination is performed by the one who is ordained. There should also be an ordination certificate included from the bishop or the local Priesthood leaders and two references should be given. They should be made out to be one of the junior elders).