
Microsoft visual studio 2005 torrent
Microsoft visual studio 2005 torrent

I was able to successfully download files from a Windows network share. Suffers from errors when closed, leading to the OS slowing down a whole lot. Mostly works okay, although opening the "Start and Home Page" dialog box causes problems ranging from minor (Off By One freezing until the Start menu button is clicked on) to severe (Start menu exploding, followed by BSOD). Also, the address bar in ReactOS Explorer cannot be used to enter a website address, but the ReactOS homepage can be navigated okay. Generally seems to work, with a few caveats: The Mozilla ActiveX download window cannot be Cancel'd or closed, and sometimes the OS will bluescreen when the download progress bar completes. Installer hangs after clicking next on the Quick Launch page of setup. Tested in QEmu, sent and received an email.

microsoft visual studio 2005 torrent

If no video driver is installed - works extremely slow, else - crashes. Also, the "move the mouse to download" bug seems to still be present. A vanilla install seems to work fine, though doesn't seem to display videos when Adobe Flash player is installed.

microsoft visual studio 2005 torrent

behaves the same way as it does under Firefox 2.0. "Move the mouse to download" bug is still present.

Microsoft visual studio 2005 torrent