Corel recently purchased the Parallels (Opens in a new window) software, which lets Mac users run Windows software, but that's no surprise, as the Canadian software firm has a penchant for gobbling up applications. Given the creative community's partiality to using Apple hardware, the Mac version doesn't come a moment (or a year) too soon. The Windows version benefits from new updates, too.

True there have been discontinued Mac versions in the past, but those disappeared 15 years ago.Īnd that's not all-a browser-based version of the software, CorelDraw.app (Opens in a new window), is launching for on-the-go designs and easy sharing or annotation of your graphics creations. After three years of development, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite for Mac is now available. Still, for a staggering 30 years-an eternity in technology-the program has been available on Windows. The graphics design software landscape is mostly dominated by Adobe, but CorelDraw also has a good reputation among designers.