Go to Credential Password field and key in the password twice as prompted by the software. Please use the password that you created when setting up the MyGovID within the Relationship Authorisation Manager.On the Select credential…… field click on the drop down arrow to select the credential (ABN and Tax Agent numbers) from the list.Note: Do not select the keystore.xml file that is located in C:\users\\appdata\Roaming\Auskey.Left click on the M2M Keystore File and select open to add the M2M Keystore File.Alternatively you can enter the M2M Keystore File path manually within the M2M Keystore File field and click the Enter button.If it takes you to the path: \\tsclient\ C\users\\appdata\Roaming\Auskey, please navigate back to the Roaming Folder and go to ATOMAS > Keystore_new.xml On the M2M Keystore File field, click on Browse.In Elite Practice Management select the ATO Processing tab then click on PLS Setup.Use the following steps to setup the M2M Credentials screen Once this file is visible on your machine using this file path, you can continue with the Elite setup : \\tsclient\ C\users\\appdata\Roaming\ATOMAS In this case, please contact the ATO for support on this installation. Important Note: If you cannot locate the ATOMAS folder either on your desktop File Explorer OR in the Elite M2M Credential setup, the M2M installation was not completed successfully. Once you have completed the installation of the M2M keystore file with the ATO ( see instructions here) please follow the instructions below to finalize the setup within Elite Learn more here - This article provides instructions how to set up the M2M credentials on Reckon Elite Desktop Version.

Important - This article is for the Elite Product range only.